Stand 122
The independent, high quality, EXCiPACT GMP/GDP Certification Scheme is available to pharmaceutical excipients manufacturers, suppliers and distributors worldwide by using EXCiPACT-approved 3rd Party Certifying Bodies employing auditors who have been trained, examined, and witnessed on site by EXCiPACT asbl.
In the EU and USA all manufacturing authorisation holders for medicines must ensure that appropriate GMP/GDP is applied to the manufacture and distribution of pharmaceutical excipients. Regulators there agree that certification schemes built on the principles of oversight applied by EXCiPACT asbl ensure quality, safety and help reduce the audit burden for both suppliers and pharmaceutical users. Presently, 150+ manufacturers/distributors from Europe, N America, India and China are enjoying the benefits of EXCiPACT Certification.
EXCiPACT is a registered trademark.