
Industry 5.0 – Human Factors and Digital Technology

Time: 16:40 - 17:00

Date: 27 September

Theatre: Room B


What is Industry 5.0? It places the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet.” – European Commission

One of the less fortunate features of current life sciences manufacturing is that the procedures and processes we expect personnel to navigate are often complex. We seldom design standard operating procedures with intuitiveness in mind. The complexity and cognitive inaccessibility of many traditional SOPs can result in human error.

Additionally, many SOPs are not written in a task-oriented way. Some examples we have seen even have steps in tasks out of sequence from the way in which they need to be done. Many SOPs tell people what to do, but not how to do it. This results in the development of tacit knowledge to manage the how.

This can result in deviations in practices over time and consequences for the business when the owners of important tacit knowledge leave for retirement or other employment. It can also result in different practices between individuals, teams or shifts.

The key is to have a system that deals with the three “C”s: how to Create your content, how to Curate it and how to Communicate it. When a system like that is in place, you have a much more human-centric environment, as will be seen when each of the three Cs is expanded on during this talk.


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